Frontenac County, ON
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Please note: Our database may be missing resources as we do not have a local partner in this community. (Frontenac County, ON)
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Mindfulness and Mindfulness Therapies

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Mindfulness and Mindfulness Therapies

Newgate 180 Addiction Rehab Centre
We also focus on the physical well-being of our clients; while at Newgate 180 you will eat delicious, healthy ...
435 Main St E, Merrickville, ON, K0G 1N0
ClearMind Neurotherapy - Dr. Linda Beckett and Associates
Providing mental health care and peak performance including psychotherapy, neurofeedback and neuromodulation using QEEG assessment.
815 Blackburn Mews, Kingston, ON, K7P 2N6
Hall, Amanda
An occupational therapy private practice providing maternal mental health support and pediatric mental health support using a nature based approach.
Battersea, ON, K0H 1H0
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