The Neurodiversity Academy (TNA) is an experimental laboratory of all the best practices in education, research, innovation and inclusion for the Neurodiversity (ADHD, autism, Asperger's syndrome Tourette, dyslexia, dysphasia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ...)
The Neurodiversity Academy (TNA) and its programs are open to everyone!
At the Academy of Neurodiversity (TNA), while taking into account and respecting the specificities of each, the priority is given to the human who is much more beautiful and rich than "labels! ".
At the Neurodiversity Academy (TNA), priority is given to living together and to being included, whether or not there are special needs.
The Neurodiversity Academy (TNA) and its programs are open to everyone!
At the Academy of Neurodiversity (TNA), while taking into account and respecting the specificities of each, the priority is given to the human who is much more beautiful and rich than "labels! ".
At the Neurodiversity Academy (TNA), priority is given to living together and to being included, whether or not there are special needs.
Ages served: All ages
Languages served: French, anglais
Fees: None
Area Served: Quebec This resource is listed under these topics
Show All +Last modified Oct 9, 2019 9:54am