Vancouver Coastal, BC
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Family Physicians

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Family physicians provide a great deal of mental health services for their patients, in addition to standard medical care. In cases where a patient requires more specialized care, a family physician can provide help on where to go for additional help and support.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Group program is a physician-led program for adult patients (17.5-75 years old) who want to learn practical ... more
Special Services During Pandemics (e.g. COVID/Corona), Disasters and Related Emergencies
These have been challenging times and the impact of the pandemic is being felt by all of us. That’s why the CBT Skills Groups Society has adapted their in-person CBT Skills Group Medical Visits to a virtual platform and have opened the service up to communities across the province. Physicians and nurse practitioners across the province can now refer to the CBT Skills Group program directly and patients enroll and participate online, with little to no waitlist.
Victoria, BC, V9B 6K8
Area Served: British Columbia
17 - 75 years
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The College helps ensure the protection and safety of patients by licensing physicians and ensuring that they meet standards for competency. The website has a "Find a Physician" feature. more
669 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 0B4 Map
Area Served: British Columbia
All ages
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A non-profit professional association of physicians, organized to: * Develop and protect standards of practice of psychotherapy by physicians. * Provide ... more
312 Oakwood Court, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3C8 Map
Area Served: Canada
All ages
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